About us

Lemon Economists, SLU (hereinafter “the Company”) was incorporated in Andorra on 28 April 2022 as a limited company, for an indefinite period of time.
The Company’s corporate purpose consists of business advice and consultancy, including accounting advice, accounting work, training in the economic and financial field, as well as activities complementary to the aforementioned corporate purpose that favour development. Activities of the financial system are excluded from the corporate purpose, especially advice on investment, capital structure, industrial strategy and related issues and in relation to mergers and acquisitions of companies.
The tax registration number is L-716678-S, which was obtained by the Government of Andorra on May 20, 2022.
To this end, it has a team of expert collaborators in different fields and specialties (compliance, taxation, auditing, accounting, etc.).
Ana Rueda García: our founding partner of LEMON ECONOMISTS.
Economist by training and teacher by vocation.
Degree in Business Administration and Management from the “Institut Químic de Sarrià” (Ramón Llull University, Barcelona).
His professional career includes in an early phase, extensive experience in financial auditing (BIG FOUR – Deloitte & KPMG). Later he made the leap to Banking as financial controller in the Management Control Department of the Crèdit Andorrà bank. After eight years in banking, he accepted the position of CFO &CCO in a large net worth management company (HNWI): ANDORRA BEL SL (BELESTA AG) and Argil Consulting SLU.
In parallel to his professional performance, he has been working as a collaborating professor at the University of Andorra (UDA) for ten years teaching General Accounting and financial mathematics, and at UNIR, teaching the subject of Business Management.
Finally, in a phase of both personal and professional maturity, she decided to create her own company, LEMON ECONOMISTS, where both she and all her collaborators try to offer the best customer service.
Member of the Association of Economists of Andorra (no. Collegiate 17453)
Member of the Association of Economists of Catalunya (no. Collegiate 17453)