Icona del servei de Lemon Economists per a la revisió i l'assessorament comptable i financer

Accounting and financial review /advice

We perform CFO/ Financial Director outsourcing services for the client.
The service includes the performance of:

  • Preparation of the Board Pack (financial information, deviations vs. budget, key issues (data or relevant information to consider), minutes,…
  • Preparation of periodic reporting (quantitative and qualitative information)
  • Advice on the preparation of annual accounts and subsequent review
  • Review and advice on accounting consolidation.

We adapt these services to the needs of our clients and the volume of their companies.

Audit awaits... are you ready?

Lemon Economists Audit CTA Polaroid
Lemon Economists Compliance CTA Polaroid

Allow us to help you get ready for the audit. Reach out to Lemon Economists and discover how to turn challenges into opportunities.

Let's meet

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