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Advice and outsourcing on Anti Money Laundering

We provide continuous advice to our clients on Antimoney Laundering, providing services such as

  • Adaptation to new regulations and new technical communications.
  • Preparation, development and implementation of manuals and policies on AML such as: Client admission policy, KYC and identification policy (Due diligence in relation to the identification of the client and the beneficiary owner), process of evaluation, identification and verification of the origin of funds, among others.
  • Confidentiality measures, document conservation and data updating.
  • Internal channels for communicating infractions (whistleblowing)
  • Development of policies and procedures and adequate internal controls to ensure high ethical standards in the hiring of employees, managers and agents, taking into account the magnitude of the business.
  • Review and update of the AML processes and manual.
  • Advice on Suspicion Activity Reports
  • Detection of deficiencies and maintenance of processes related to compliance in AML, through periodic (monthly) review of the correct implementation of each of the procedures described in the AML Manual.

Audit awaits... are you ready?

Lemon Economists Audit CTA Polaroid
Lemon Economists Compliance CTA Polaroid

Allow us to help you get ready for the audit. Reach out to Lemon Economists and discover how to turn challenges into opportunities.

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