Icona del servei de Lemon Economists per a l'establiment a Andorra, la creació d'empreses i la inversió estrangera

Advice and support in establishment processes in Andorra, business creation, foreign investment

Our knowledge of Andorran legislation allows us to offer a tailored advisory service for those businesses or companies that wish to establish in Andorra. We accompany and manage our clients at all times in the process of establishing their companies in Andorra, whether it is creating a company in Andorra or moving the company to Andorra.
The establishment process in Andorra requires several procedures and processes that must be completed for which we offer collaboration to our clients, such as:

  • Immigration procedures (delivery of the foreign investment dossier)
  • Government procedures such as the request for authorization of the company’s corporate name, the Companies Registry
  • Procedures and banking compliance process for opening a corporate account in an entity bank of Andorra
  • Trade registry
  • Registration in the Tax Administration, in the CASS, …
  • Declaration of beneficial owners
  • Notarial procedures
  • Advice on the documentation to be delivered to the regulator
  • Other administrative procedures

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