Icona del servei de Lemon Economists per a l'assessorament en responsabilitat social corporativa

Advice on ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) for companies and evaluation and management of social and environmental impact

We provide guidance, support and monitoring to companies in the development, implementation and improvement of their corporate social responsibility practices.
Among the different issues that a company must manage in terms of ESG, the following stand out: environmental aspects, gender equality, working conditions, policies and procedures, remuneration system, composition and operation of the management and the board of directors, financial and non-financial reporting. social aspects, etc.
In this sense, we collaborate with companies in the development of a ESG strategy aligned with their values, objectives and business culture, taking into consideration their economic sector and their environment.
We prepare ESG reports and advise companies on the correct disclosure of relevant ESG information to clients, employees, investors and society in general. The adoption of ESG practices can have both reputational and financial benefits and at the same time contributes to sustainable development and the well-being of society.
We advise companies on their participation in external ESG initiatives, such as adherence to codes of conduct, sustainability certifications, and collaborations with organizations and governments to address social and environmental issues.
We help companies incorporating ESG into their business culture, promoting ethical, sustainable and socially responsible business management.

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Lemon Economists Audit CTA Polaroid
Lemon Economists Compliance CTA Polaroid

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