Icona del servei de Lemon Economists per al disseny, desenvolupament i implementaci贸 de controls interns per a l'optimitzaci贸 de processos i la mitigaci贸 de riscs

Design, development and implementation of internal controls for process optimization and risk mitigation.

Many companies require a redefinition of their existing processes in order to optimize them. It is common for some businesses to find themselves in some of the following situations:

  • Inefficient processes
  • Lack of controls
    • Procedures and manuals
    • Flowcharts
    • Segregation of functions
    • Owners and authorizations
    • Inventories
    • Conciliation processes
    • Periodic cash recounts
    • Double check of operations
    • Management of third parties confirmations
    • Management of aging customers
    • Liquidity management
    • Other controls

In this sense, we offer our clients the possibility of designing or redefining processes and controls with the aim of increasing efficiency, protecting assets and improving financial information flows.

The identification of the inherent risks of the business is a fundamental step to establish and define an adequate internal control system. We can prepare a risk map of the different processes, carrying out an assessment of the different inherent risks, controls and the corresponding residual risks.
Alternatively, we can review the effectiveness of existing controls.

The Internal Audit service offered by Lemon Economists may also be of interest to clients who need to know the assessment of their internal control and improve it.

Audit awaits... are you ready?

Lemon Economists Audit CTA Polaroid
Lemon Economists Compliance CTA Polaroid

Allow us to help you get ready for the audit. Reach out to Lemon Economists and discover how to turn challenges into opportunities.

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