We carry out customized training (in-person and online) for companies and individuals in the following areas:
- General Accounting (Andorran General Accounting Plan ( PGCA ) and International Financial Reporting Standards ( IFRS )).
- Cost accounting and analytical accounting
- Taxation
- Finance
- Financial mathematics
- Audit
- Economics (Microeconomics, Macroeconomics), Business Economics, Fundamentals of Management, among other subjects of the Business Administration Degree
- Economics, Business Economics, 1st and 2nd year Baccalaureate subjects
- Preparation both online and in person for the entrance tests to Spanish universities (EVAU or EBAU depending on the spanish states in which they are carried out) is the Baccalaureate Evaluation for Access to the Spanish University, that is, what is commonly It is known as Selectivity .
- Preparation both online and in person for the PCE tests . The PCE (Specific Competence Tests), exams that foreign students must pass in order to study at a Spanish university. That is, a kind of selectivity for foreigners. The National University of Distance Education ( UNED ), specifically its UNEDasiss department, is in charge of carrying out this test at its accredited national and international locations.